Sunday, May 24, 2009

Spring festiva

Today didn't work out like we had planned on our agenda. There was a special mass at the church and the public parking blocked up our driveway for most of the day, so we were stuck at home. We had a laid back morning and made a lovely lunch from stuff in our's and Colleen's fridge. Then Lori and I swam until we were too red to be out in the sun anymore and still we were blocked in. So our plans to go to Orvieto were derailed, but we enjoyed ourselves anyway.

In the afternoon, Dan and I decided to finish up sealing La Terrazza. Even though the weather was upper 80s, La Terrazza is on the lowest level of L'Antica Vetreria and stayed very cool. We sprayed sealant on all the walls and ceilings in the living room, dining room and kitchen and brushed them down afterwards. There's still more to do, but at least we made a big dent in what Tom and Colleen needed to accomplish while they're in Italy. They plan to return to Seattle the week after we get home.

After a quick dip in the pool to wash the work away, we all jumped into the car and drove down the road to Colleen's friend Lucca's house. He was having a bona festa to celebrate the coming of spring and there were over 150 people enjoying the day. Lucca makes a wonderful red wine that was delicious and several women came around to where we were sitting in the grass and offered up their treats. There was music and dancing and it was all such a local setting of people enjoying each other, the weather and the day. Once again, thanks to Colleen and Tom, we got to experience something that not every tourist has a chance to. A local gathering of friends and family, celebrating the changing of the seasons and the coming of summer. So incredible.

Colleen and Tom invited us to a Spring festival at their friend Lucca's grainery this evening. Several of the women were performing international folk dances.

Pet of the day: this beautiful dog was at the Spring festival enjoying everything that fell from plates and small hands.

These beautiful women danced for hours at Lucca's spring festival.

At the spring festival, this sweet little girl wanted a chance to recite at the microphone . . .

Even the men joined in. We saw about 10 different folk dance. Some native to Italy and some international. It was a joy to watch.

Ciao, Ardel

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